26 Oct 2021 by Cameron Hocart

Junior cricket training returns from November 1st!

We hope everyone is safe and healthy.

With the season set to begin hopefully around the 12th of November, we have a couple of weeks to get into shape.

Please find the training days and times on the flyer below.

Super 7’s / Fast 9’s – Monday afternoons

Under 12’s – Wednesday afternoons

Under 14’s & 16’s – Thursday afternoons

Under 18’s – Tuesday & Thursday afternoons (with the senior group)

We ask could we please keep training to 1 parent per child and if not participating in the coaching/training session, to possibly spectate from the car if possible.

However in saying that, we do encourage as many parents as possible to get involved in helping out during training sessions as we rely on all the mums and dads throughout the season so please don’t be afraid to pitch in and lend a hand.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the junior coordinator via phone or email (gwhccjuniors@gmail.com).

Look forward to seeing everyone in the coming weeks and please register now if you have not done so already!

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