23 Oct 2020 by Cameron Hocart

Hello all!

We hope everyone is safe and well.

With cricket season just around the corner, it is imperative that all juniors register ASAP!

The league is hoping to begin the junior season as early as the 13th of November at this stage. Only 3 weeks from today!!!

With such a rush to get the season started in such a short time frame, we require as many registrations as possible as early as possible.

It would be a shame for your son/daughter to miss out on a spot in a team after having spent all Winter indoors!

That is a large possibity if we have a reduced number of teams due to the current circumstances.

If you are hesitant to pay for the upcoming season due to those circumstances, there is an offline payment option available during the registration process (you will still have to pay a small $5 Cricket Victoria insurance payment) and full fee payment can be arranged at a later date.

Please follow the link below to register and remind any friends and family to register also!
